Season 7

Why Women are Leading Sustainable Investing

Episode Notes

In this episode, Pam, Terry and Richard discuss the pros and cons of socially responsible investing, whose increasing popularity is being driven mainly by women. In particular, they examine whether women sacrifice returns by investing in stocks or ESG funds that align with their personal values. The answer may surprise you.

For further research:

Janine Firpo, Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World
Socially responsible investing made easy:

Recent Podcasts

Season 10
Social Security Good News!

Show Episode Notes

New Social Security Commissioner Cuts Clawbacks!


Season 10
Unemployed Over 60, And Can’t Get A Job

Show Episode Notes

There's nothing more painful than losing your job when you're older and not being able to get a new one.

Research says there's a stigma about "older unemployment" - especially when it drags on for more than a year!

Meet Ben who is going through that right now. He remains optimistic, but details the hazards -- even for those in technology -- when a job disappears. Some helpful perspective for you - or someone you might know and love.


Show Episode Notes

Podcast Hosts

Pam Krueger

Pam Krueger

Terry Savage

Terry Savage


Richard Eisenberg

Stay Tuned Into Friends Talk Money

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